What challenges lie ahead in 2014? How might you meet them boldly?
One of my biggest challenges for 2014 is to remain active and STAY injury free! I have only been really healthy for about four months this year. Between my knee healing and then having the slipped disk and pinched nerve in my back has made it just about impossible to be active at all this year. I taught Zumba maybe once and just "ran" my first 5K since August 2012. I have all the tools and know how to stay injury free and I definitely plan to use them.
This year I want to eliminate my credit card debt and use my credit card the way I originally used it. Gas for my car, maybe some groceries, some music on iTunes, etc. Then pay it off when it posts to my bill. With my GI Bill covering my classes AND putting a little extra in my pocket, I am able to continue to put $200 - $300 towards my balance from my paychecks AND an additional $400 - $500 with my GI Bill. That is coming close to $1000 a month. I already payed $500 this month and once my bills for the second half of this month process then it will possibly be another $400! That means I will finally owe less than $3000! I have not seen my balance that low in a couple years.
I have already made it over six months without smoking so I guess it is safe to say that I have officially quit so there is something off my New Year's Resolution list that I can finally scrub out forever. I might have to take a look at that list from last year to see what I still need to address! I have crossed out what I have accomplished!
- Make my lunch to take to work
Quit smoking for good- Run in five 5K runs with my mom (I will save the Rock 'N Roll Half Marathon for a year that I do not have horrible knee pain)
- Complete the Zumbatomic training
- Eliminate half of my credit card debt (it would be nice to eliminate all but I will settle with half)
- Move out on my own
Re-enroll in school and take at least three classesContinue to find myself and better myself to make me happy(this one is an ongoing)Share my feelings more and not shut people out so much
From that list, this is what I still want to accomplish:
- Make my lunch to take to work
- Run in THREE 5K runs (it would be nice to do them with my mom but if I can do them with a friend of BF then I am happy!)
- Participate in a ZJ session, Pro Skills or a "Boost"
- Complete Zumba Kids & Kids Jr (formerly known as Zumbatomic) or Zumba Step
- Eliminate my credit card debt
- Get a raise and two days off per week