
Friday, December 28, 2012

Almost 2013

I gave up on New Year's Resolutions a long time ago because I never stick to them.  I mean everyone makes the same ones almost every year, right?

I will eat healthier
I will go to the gym/get gym membership
I will quit smoking
I will quit drinking
I will blah blah blah

But how often does one actually stick to their resolutions? would be nice if I ate not get me put a plate of raw veggies in front of me and a small amount of lite ranch and I am a happy camper!  I love salads and fruits and all that healthy stuff BUT my sister hit the nail on the head.

You work out to support your bad eating habits!

Really, it is kind of true.  It is totally not intentional but it is true!  I mean I would work out, teach Zumba or go for a run or something and then eat a quarter pound big bite hot dog and a grab bag of Doritos from 7-11 for lunch the next day!  Totally disgusting but so yummy!  I get the worst cravings!  I had a craving for Tostino's pizza and pizza I went to the store and bought four pizzas (because they were four for $5) and a bag of 90 count pizza rolls.  Totally disgusting but so good!

I do however pay for a gym membership (however it is currently on hold because of my knee injury) and I want to start going more often once I can.  I am not too sure if I will continue with the 6am workouts with my boss though...that is just too damn early!

I do not drink nearly as much I want to and not even remotely as often as I talk about it so quitting drinking is not on my list.  I love my Bud and Bud Light and Jose Cuervo is one of my close and personal friends.  It would be nice to quit smoking.  For me it truly is just a bad habit that I need to break.  I do not have the addiction that most people have.  If I am at home, I do not smoke.  If I am out and about running errands with someone, I do not smoke.  I tend to smoke out of routine.  I get in my car, I smoke.  I take a break at work (only when I am working outside on the line...never take a break when I am upstairs in the office) after a few hours, I smoke.  I can even go out with friends for drinks and if no one smokes, I do not smoke.  I really is just a habit.  I have gone days without smoking never NEEDING to smoke.  It will be a little more difficult to break than when I was biting my nails...because I put tape over my finger nails to keep myself from biting them and that is how I stopped.  I know I can do it because I have done it before.

Now I do have some goals for 2013:
  • Make my lunch to take to work
  • Quit smoking for good
  • Run in five 5K runs with my mom (I will save the Rock 'N Roll Half Marathon for a year that I do not have horrible knee pain)
  • Complete the Zumbatomic training
  • Eliminate half of my credit card debt (it would be nice to eliminate all but I will settle with half)
  • Move out on my own
  • Re-enroll in school and take at least three classes
  • Continue to find myself and better myself to make me happy
  • Share my feelings more and not shut people out so much
That last one is going to be a tough one...same with the credit card debt and the moving out on my own.  I am sure that I will make add and maybe subtract from that list over the next few days but once I finalize it, I will write it down and post it somewhere that I will see it every day so that way I might stick with it!

Until next time!

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