
Thursday, July 18, 2013

Real Women Vs. Bitches

Pardon my French but women can be crazy bitches!

I know that isn't like a NEWSFLASH or anything but the older I get and the more I talk to my male friends, it just becomes more and more evident that women are psycho!  Let me point out in a ratio of female : male friends, I would have to say mine is probably about 1 : 10...easily.  I do not have very many female friends because I do not like the drama that comes with (as I stated above) they are crazy!

Case and point from my own experience:
Let me take you back to 8th grade (school year 1997 - 1998).  My best friend was (and still is to this day) a guy.  He was my neighbor and my first "boyfriend" when we were 12.  After he spent all of 7th grade torturing me, I still considered him my best friend.  By torture I mean he did everything from shaving men's deodorant up my locker grates to trying to shut my locker on my head to trying to drop his desk on my head (such violence, right).  Stupid boys and their freaking phases!

Anyway, I became friends with a girl in 8th grade who eventually said that she really liked my best friend and asked if I could get them together.  Being the super awesome friend that I am, I did.  I talked her up to him and he asked her out and they were together for the rest of the year.  The crazy bitch didn't reveal her true colors until Freshman year.

My best friend dumped her over the summer.  She cried to me asking me to find out why he did it and how she could get back together with him.  It was not my place to pry and I told her that I was not going to grill him with questions about their relationship and that if he wanted to tell me why he broke up with her then it would be on his terms and whatever he revealed to me would stay between us.  I would never break his trust.

She didn't like that answer.

We ended up in the same gym class.  They sat us in alphabetical order which put me next to one of my greatest friends (my last name being McCa and her's being McCo) but landed CRAZY right in front of me.  One day while talking to my girl before the teachers showed up, CRAZY kept turning around and either giving me the evil eye or telling me to shut up and stop talking.  My response was "I am not talking to you.  Turn around and ignore me just like I will continue to do to you from now on."  I then proceeded to continue my conversation.  CRAZY continued to tell me that if I did not shut up that she was going to (insert physical violent activity here).  I easily ignored her until all of a sudden CRAZY turned into CRAZY BITCH and was latched onto my arm!

You read that correctly!  She was biting my right forearm.  I think if I look carefully I can make out some teeth marks still.  It didn't even hurt but she left some railroad tracks (from her braces) and teeth marks.  There was a split second when she finally let go that it stung but before I could blink, the feeling had passed.  I sat there stunned and shocked that I was wiping her spit off my arm onto my shorts while everyone around us was sitting there with their jaws on the floor.  It all happened so fast that no one had time to process what was happening and stop her before she let go.

End of that WOMEN BE CRAZY life story.

If you didn't read my last post (check it out here if you want) then you don't know that I recently became unavailable!  Only ten days so far as his girlfriend but this has been the best like 25+ days (that's about how long he has actually been in town) of my life so least that's how it feels anyway and I will totally take it.

I won't share any details of his life and his story except that when he tells me about the way he has been treated in the passed by his ex during their relationship it makes me sad.  It actually makes my heart hurt for him.  He is one of the nicest, sweetest, most wonderful guys I have every met.  He truly is a rare find!  Back off ladies...he is mine and I will take you down if you even think about trying to take him from have been warned!

But it is something that I am hearing more and more lately.  These amazing men are being taken advantage of.  Talk about the tables being turned.  Not to say that we women don't still get used.  A guy makes a girl think that she is special and that she means the world to him and then once he gets what he wants (like sex, for example, or in my case my heart) then he just disappears without a trace leaving her to wonder what she did wrong or how she couldn't see it coming or how stupid she feels for having allowed herself to be played.  But these guys are confessing that they changed to be exactly who their girlfriend/wife wanted them to be and it still wasn't good enough.  She essentially gives her man a list of things that she doesn't like about him or things that he does that she hates and he does a complete 180 and starts acting the way she wants and stops doing the things she hates and she still doesn't care.  She makes zero effort while he has completely changed himself.  It makes me sad.

I want to share something I posted on Facebook the other day (my profile is set to private so I can maintain my privacy to an extent).

"I seriously have the greatest boyfriend ever!  After a really craptastic day, he came up to have dinner and just hang out and watch Netflix with me.  How did I get so lucky?! - feeling lucky"

Here's the response I want to address next:
"If I did that I'd get called lazy...all you did is make dinner and sit on your ass and watch can't even take me out..."

That made me so mad and sad at the same time.  I responded to this male friend with:
"All I've ever craved is time and attention.  If my guy makes me dinner or just watches a movie with me then I am happy!  I don't need to go out or have him spend money on me.  All I want is time!"

That is true.  Sure, it's nice to go out and do something BUT  there are so many things to do that do not cost money.  I really only crave his time and attention.  Any moment spent apart makes the moments together that much  more special.  How can anyone put a price tag on time?

Do I like to go out and have fun?  Yeah, who doesn't!

Does going out mean having to go to some fancy restaurant or bar and have my guy drop a ton of money on me?  Absolutely not!

Do I like getting all dressed up to be shown off?  Sure but it takes so long to get ready that I prefer it be for special occasions and not an all the time kind of thing.

Do I want him to hug me and kiss me and hold my hand in public?  YES but I don't need a full on make out or dry humping session in public.

Am I girlie?  Not unless the occasion calls for it.

Do I like girlie things like getting flowers every once in awhile?  Yes...

Do I need to hear that I am needed and wanted and cared about?  Hell yeah!

Does he have to feel like the only way I appreciate him is when he pays for everything?  Not at all...let me pay sometimes...please!

Come on now ladies!  Man up and quit being a bitch.  Let your man know that you appreciate him for everything that he does!  The good guys are hard to come by so if you find one, you better hold on tight before someone else does.  As much as we need to feel needed and wanted, they need to hear it and feel it too.  No matter how macho they try to be.  You have to treat others the way you want to be treated and that is what separates the real women from the bitches!

Until next time!

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